Call for 4 Italian residents aged 18 - 25 and 1 group leader 18+ (no age limit)
About the project
"Can We Talk?" is a project about communication. Through different experiential and non-formal activities the participants will develop their intrapersonal, interpersonal, but also public speaking communication skills. Through communication they are also going to be able to create a more inclusive atmosphere for others in the future.
Participants are going to experience non-formal education. They are going to participate in activities, workshops, reflections and evaluations, but are also going to create sessions by themselves.
Participants will have the chance to develop themselves in many different ways during the project, living in an intercultural environment.
You can Apply IF
# come from Austria, Hungary, Italy, Poland or Bulgaria or have residency there
# are between 18 and 25 years old* (* group leaders can be older)
# want to explore communication on different levels
# want to experience an inclusive, creative and inspiring atmosphere
# want to learn more about interculturality
# want to get involved on non-formal education
# have the desire to develop your competences
⌚️ 21 August 2020 - 29 August 2020 (arrival date 21.08 - departure date 29.08)
📌Neumarkt in der Steiermark, Austria
🧩25 people aged 18 - 25 (group leaders excluded) from Austria, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Bulgaria
Info-pack is available here:
To apply fill in the application form here:
For further info contact: